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Erin Hollingsworth

BSW Real Estate

Tell us about your company!

I'm a residential real estate broker for BSW Real Estate.  I've been a real estate broker for 17 years and absolutely love it! 




Patrick Cleary

Alpha Cubed Investments

Tell us about your company!

Alpha Cubed is a financial planning and investment management firm.  We work with individuals and small business owners to help them organize all the tentacles of their financial lives and set a path to reach their personal vision of financial success.




Jeremy Nicholas

Western States Bank

Tell us about your company!

Western States Bank is privately-held, locally-owned and community-minded with 10 branches spanning Colorado, Western Nebraska, and Southeastern Wyoming.  In Colorado, we have offices in Fort Collins and Loveland and opened up our first loan production office in the Park Coworking facility in May 2019.  Our aim is not to be the biggest, but the best at providing premier client service through local decisions, quick responses, and tailored financing.  
Opening a new office in Denver has been particularly exciting for me personally.  It has provided an opportunity to help Western States Bank expand into a new market by leveraging existing relationships while also utilizing our existing infrastructure.  The Park office has been the perfect place to incubate the business while we scale up until we move into a full-service branch later in 2021.




Meridith Marshall

Uncharted Coaching

Tell us about your company! 
I feel fortunate that I get to do work I love every day! UNCHARTED, creates the best places to work using a unique data-driven method to pinpoint employee motivation. We support this with coaching services to create cultures that attract and retain top talent.



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